Trainee project receives award

With its trainee project "Smart Bratwurst", ARBURG was one of the five winners of the "Industry 4.0 Talents" competition this year. The award was presented to the trainees by Dr Patrick Rapp, State Secretary in the Ministry of Economics, Labour and Tourism of the State of Baden-Württemberg, at a virtual awards ceremony.

"Industry 4.0 Talents" Competition

The Industry 4.0 Talents Competition of the Alliance Industry 4.0 Baden-Württemberg, a network initiated and supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Baden-Württemberg, was held for the third time. This was established because "for a successfully established digitally networked value chain, early and practical contact of the trainees with the topic of Industry 4.0 is essential today". ARBURG trainees Nico Schoch and Nils Frey travelled to Stuttgart on behalf of the ARBURG team to receive the award and present the project at the Haus der Wirtschaft.

Awarded: "Smart Bratwurst"

The trainee project on the topic of Industry 4.0, with which the ARBURG team entered the race, has already been in use time and again since 2016 at the ARBURG Technology Days in Lossburg, the annual in-house event with thousands of visitors from all over the world, and is causing a sensation. It is further expanded and technically refined by each new cohort of trainees. Basically, it is a grilling station based entirely on ARBURG technology that automatically sears sausages in a continuous process.

Impressive project

As part of the award ceremony, trainees Nico Schoch and Nils Frey presented their project to Dr Patrick Rapp The State Secretary was impressed by the unconventional idea and its execution and had the trainees explain the challenges involved in developing the smart grilling station. Partly as a result of these interesting insights, he subsequently announced his visit to ARBURG in Lossburg.
